Monday, October 12, 2009

Forgive My Absence

As usual, life has been a whirlwind. Shifting me from one thing to another, without ever really finishing anything. That's one of my major downfalls. Distractions. My focus is alway switching on and off, to and from. Everyone feels the effects of it. But, mostly I do.

There's 24 hours in a day. I could use 30 or more. It take an hour and 45 in the morning to get the kids and my self out the door. I work eight and half and drive forty-five minutes each way. Helping with homework uses the better part of an hour. I usually spent 30 minutes at the dinner table with the family but use up an hour or more to prepare and clean up from the meal. I've learned that 30 minutes of email checking and Facebook status checking can be relaxing. I average six to six and a half hours of sleep so somewhere in the remaining 3 hours I have to be a good wife, mother, daughter and friend. There are days that I simply collapse, mind and body. I stare stupidly at the TV and watch reruns of Law & Order or other such things. Doing nothing is pleasure I rarely have time to enjoy.

Since the last time I checked in, I was in a car accident in August. Nothing major. Just your typical rear-ended, car-totaled, battle-with-the-insurance-company kind of accident. I work in the insurance business and I am by no means an expert, but I am a consumer. And I can tell you that you definately feel robbed when your functioning car is destroyed and it's honestly not your fault! It puts you in a foul mood when the insurance company offers you a third of the car's value! Oh, well. Thank God for good people. I was able to get a vehicle that works for my family and budget with the help of a local car lot.

There was a tragedy is our family in September. The story is too long, too painful, and too raw to discuss at this point. The words will not form at my head to let my typing fingers tell the story.

I am starting a course for a new branch of insurance licensing. It is very challenging. But, as I've stated earlier, focus has not been my strong suit lately. The offical class (a 3-day tornado tour) begins in two weeks and I haven't finished the study manual yet. No good, not good at all. I wish there was a "focus-focus, hocus-pocus" spell that cast all my distractions aside for a while.

There is a lot on my plate right now. But who doesn't carry a full schedule everyday? Wish me luck, send me love and I'll be babbling again soon.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Well, I'm just not in the mood to work! The boss man's on vacation. And, as I've always heard, when the cat's away the mice will play!

The office manager is working on her novel. This woman is dynamite! She's a single mom raising a 12 year old daughter. That in itself is a victory on her part. She knows her job like the back of her hand. I honestly think she could do it in her sleep! She's wrapping up her last college class to get her Master's degree. So, if that weren't enough to do, she writing a novel in her spare time! I wish I had that kind of focus. If I can manage to find two matching shoes to wear to work, it's an accomplishment.

My co-worker is flipping through a Woman's Day magazine and considering starting to read the next novel in a series of books we've been passing around the office. She reminds me of a Barbie doll. She actually resembles Barbie. She's got her Ken, 2.6 kids, Barbie's dream house, complete with swimming pool and accessories. She seems so laid back and comfortable in her own skin. That's a good thing. People who like who they are tend to be so much easier to work with. She has a really good spirit. That's an odd way it describe it but it's the way I can think of to do so.

As for me, I'm babbling. That's just me. The girls are lost in their own thoughts so it's really almost too quiet in here. The sound of the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard almost echo. It is rare in this office to be this able to goof off. We are usually juggling clients, manning a swarm of phone calls, and responding to the influx of emails. I think we deserve this break. Last week was jumping! I felt like a ping pong ball just aimlessly bouncing from place to place. I'll take this moment of peace and quiet and be grateful for it.